I first started using Beaute de Femme when my beautician applied it to my scalp after a relaxer. It was so cool and soothing, I had to make it become a part of my daily hair routine.  Using just a touch before wrapping my hair at night, I began to notice less dandruff and a healthy sheen to my hair.  It wasn’t long before I started using it in my two-year old daughter’s hair.  Best decision I ever made. The Beaute de Femme hair treatment added the moisture and oils necessary to make her hair smooth and manageable.  Her hair also started to grow longer and fuller, especially around her hairline where the pulling by ponytail holders and small rubberbands was causing breakage. When my mother complained her hair was falling out from the numerous medications she was taking, I bought the product for her as well. Within two weeks, she said she was seeing noticeably less hair in her brush and asked me to buy two more jars of the hair treatment, one for her and one for a friend.  Even my husband uses it to slow his natural male pattern hair loss. Currently, we only use the Beaute de Femme shampoo and conditioner in our home and are very happy with the results.  Beaute de Femme offers family products that really work.   I am a totally satisfied customer and would recommend Beaute de Femme to anyone.


– E. Clermont, Deer Park, NY

I have been using Beaute De Femme for some time now.  I have seen a tremendous improvement in my scalp.  My dandruff has decreased and the dryness is gone.  My hair is actually growing after all these years.  I love using the product because I see results.  I have a severe case of alopecia in the top of my scalp and this product has  actually helped this area thicken back up.  I told my husband about this product and told him to try it.   He has male baldness in the top of his scalp.  After a couple of months of using the product, he has seen hair growth.  So much in so, that his barber has asked him what is he doing to make his hair grow.  He seems to “always need a hair cut” now.


This product does work.  It works with all types of hair and I am so pleased with the results.  I love the smell and fell of the product.  It is aromatic and it has a good tingle to it.  I fell like my scalp gets a treat each time I use it.  It’s the only hair product that I am using now because of the difference I have seen in my hair.  I would recommend this product to anyone!


A satisfied customer

Islip, NY


I was thrilled when I found Annie and learned about her product.   I suffer from dry scalp, as well as hair loss from a mild form of lupus.  I have been using this product for approximately  three months.   I have noticed a tremendous difference in the way my hair feels, the dandruff is less and I see definite hair growth.  I love the way the product feels on my scalp.  It has a  tingling feeling when I apply it to my sccalp (without a heavy smell).   I only have to use about 1-2 times per week and it does the job.

I would receommend this product to anyone, as I have seen such a tremendous improvement in the condition of my hair.

Mrs. Williams

First of all, find someone with hair you like and ask her where she gets her hair done.  If she lets you touch her hair, touch it to make sure it’s healthy. Talk to the stylist before you make an appointment.  Make sure she seems professional and knows what she’s doing.  A bad perm is a horrible thing.  You could end up with damaged hair, bald or even permanently disfigured.  And, remember a perm is permanent.  Mess one up and that hair is ruined permanently until you cut it off.

Before she begins:She should check the condition of your hair and scalp before she begins.  If your hair is weak or your scalp has any cuts, scrapes or sores, she should not do the perm.  A perm on already weak hair can cause your hair to break off.  A perm on a scalp that is not healthy can be absorbed into the body and cause problems. She should check for allergic reaction and test the perm on a strand of your hair. She should choose a perm appropriate for your type of hair.  Not all relaxers are the same. Some are more reactive (stronger) than others.  The stylist should consider whether your hair has been relaxed before (touch up or retouch), whether your hair has never been relaxed, whether your hair is colored and whether your hair is fine or coarse. She should protect your skin with a cape and or a towel. She should protect your scalp with a jelly or thick cream.
Once she begins:
Once the stylist starts applying your perm, she should pay attention to your head and not talking on the phone, taking lunch breaks or attending to other clients.  Applying a perm requires her complete attention.  She should work quickly to avoid over-relaxing your hair and/or burning your skin. Retouches should only be done on new growth.  This is a common mistake people make when putting in perms at home.  I know I used to.  Do not keep relaxing the ends of your hair over and over again unless split ends occur or the last application was done improperly. Your stylist should use a timer.  It’s always better to leave the hair a little underdone than overdone.  Even with the timer, she should check your hair continuously.
After she’s done:
She should rinse your hair very well with warm water. She should wash your hair with a neutralizing shampoo.  It’s important to use a shampoo with a lower pH to neutralize the high pH of the relaxer.  The reason this is important is the pH of the neutralizing shampoo stops the reaction of the lye.  Using a regular shampoo will allow your hair to continue to break down beyond the point where you want it to be. She should rinse your hair again. Before it is dried, she should deep condition the hair .She should handle your hair gently as she’s drying and styling it.

Time for a really quick science lesson. There is a scale called a pH scale.  It ranges from 0-14.  Water is right in the middle with a pH of 7 and is “neutral”. Substances with higher pH are called alkali, caustic or basic. Solutions with lower pH are called acidic.  The farther from the number 7 (either high or low), the more the solution will do in terms of burning or breaking chemical bonds.  The pH scale is a logarithmic scale.  What that means is a whole number difference is greater than you might think.  A solution that is pH 8 is ten times more basic than a solution that is ph 7.  One that is a pH 5 is 100 times more acidic than a pH 7. That’s as far as we need to go for our purposes.  End of lesson.  Relaxers, whether lye or no lye, have a very high pH.  In other words, they are caustic. Relaxers work on the same principle as commercial products like Liquid Plumr® that you’d buy to remove hair from your sink or drain.  Relaxers break the hair down.  Relaxers work because they break the bonds that actually give strength to the hair.  This causes the hair to straighten.  Therefore, relaxed hair is, by definition, weaker than natural hair.  Relaxers also deplete the hair of sebum (an oil your scalp secretes).  Combine that with heat and you can really end up with a problem.  That’s why it is of the utmost importance to be careful when putting in relaxers and to give relaxed hair the best care possible.

Does this mean we are against relaxers?  Absolutely not.  If a quality relaxer is applied properly and the hair is maintained properly, your hair can definitely be healthy.  However, your hair will be weaker than if it were natural and will be more prone to problems.   These problems are not insurmountable as long as you are aware of how to take care of your hair. Many people have asked us why we don’t sell relaxers.  Our policy is that we do not sell relaxers (permanents) because we think they should be applied by a professional in a salon setting.

As a hair stylist, it is important to have a technical knowledge of hair; this knowledge will be an asset to you as a professional cosmetologist. Hair like people, come in variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. To keep hair healthy and beautiful proper attention must be given to its care and treatment. Applying a hash cosmetic such as one that contains lot of alcohol or providing improper hair services can cause the hair structure to become weakened or damaged. Knowledge and analysis of the client’s hair thoughtful suggestions for its improvement, and a sincere interest in maintaining its health and beauty should be the primary concerns of every hair stylist.


Hair care is very important.

The study of hair, technically called trichology {TREYE-KOL-O-JEE}, is important because stylists on a daily basis deal with hair management. The chief purposes of hair are adornment and protection of the head from heat, cold and injury. Hair is a part of the skin. The threadlike outgrowth of the skin and scalp called hair has no sense because of the lack of nerves in it yet there is feeling because of the nerves under the follicles. Hair is composed chiefly of the protein keratin (Kerr-Ah-Tin) which is found in all horn type growths including the nails and also the skin. The composition of hair varies with its color. Darker hair has more carbon and less oxygen the reverse is true for lighter hair. Average hair is composed of 50-65% carbon, 6-36% hydrogen, 14-17% nitrogen, 0-5% sulfur and 20-85% oxygen.


The Parts Of Your Hair Consist Of:

Cuticle: Outer layer of the hair. It is made up of layers of scales which interlock with the cells of the hair’s inner root sheath to firmly anchor it in the follicle.  This is a thin and colorless layer.  Black hairs cuticle layer can be twice the thickness of that of white hair.



Cortex: The middle layer. It is composed of cells which are tightly bound around one another. These bands provide the hair with elasticity and strength and are very receptive to chemicals.  As a result, they can easily be influenced (or damaged) by dyes and relaxers.



Melanin: is contained in the cortex and is the substance that determines the color of our hair and skin. The more melanin, the darker the hair or skin.



Follicle: This is the name for hair before it emerges from the skin. Follicles are composed of many elements including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Healthy amounts of these elements can improve the hairs’ condition and appearance once it emerges.



Sebaceous/Sudoniferous Glands: Attached to the hair follicle are the sebaceous (oil) and the sudoriferous (sweat) glands. The sebaceous glands open and close continuously to release a waxy sebum oil into the hair follicle and onto the scalp. The sudoriferous glands contain many small structures with porous openings leading to the skin. They produce substances which dry on the skin including salts, acids, water and bacteria. If not completely dissolved and effectively removed from the scalp, they can help cause severe itching and dandruff.  Thus, the scalp problems some people experience in the early stages of locs.

I’ve been in the Beauty Industry for about two decades. With my experiences, I took the initiative and became an entrepreneur. I have always wanted to make a difference in the beauty and hair care industry for both men and women. In 2003, I established a hair and skin care product line. I have encouraged my clients to keep their natural appearances by teaching them how to keep a healthy and beautiful looking head of hair. Hair loss is an epidemic. My message on hair loss is that it can be prevented if we take the necessary steps to nurture and protect our hair by controlling and preventing unneeded stress. Stress isn’t the only cause of hair loss improper diet, excessive heat, and improper use of chemicals can also cause drying of the scalp leading to hair loss also it can be hormonal. A hormone called Dihydrotestosterone also known as D.H.T. can cause hair loss as well. D.H.T. restricts hair by taking over receptor cells and sending false signals to functioning cells responsible for proper hair growth. I do not believe in frequent use of chemicals. After research I was able to launch a natural product line that helps moisturize dry scalps and reverse the damage people have unknowingly done to their hair.  Beaute De Femme products are all made of natural tropical plants and organic extracts. The hair treatment is unique in the fact that it can be used for all types of hair and does not have any negative side effects. In fact the whole line of products created by Beaute de Femme Inc. has successful results with no adverse effects. Beaute de Femme has been marketed at salons and Beauty supply stores all across the U.S. This product line is a wonderful product it’s safe for the elderly, children and everyone in-between. Beaute De Femme is specifically made to help people with skin, scalp, and hair problems.  Beaute De Femme’s line includes a moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, scalp treatment, finishing spray, and a body lotion to induce healthy and smooth skin. By using these products in a proper regiment not only will it slow or even stop the hair loss process, it can reverse and rejuvenate  hair to what it once was or even create a healthier scalp and head of hair.  By Annie Pierre

Hi there,

Just wanted to give some more information on my product Beaute De Femme. Beaute De Femme has many good ingredents in it. For example Ricinoleic acid exerts remarkable analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Stearic acid softens the hair and gives Beaute De Femme products their pearly effect. Linoleic acid is a substence found in the the cell membrane which is why our Beaute De Femme stimulates hair growth. These and many other substances are what give Beaute De Femme it’s medicinal effects and that’s why it’s a great product.display.JPG

About 90 percent of the hair on most people’s scalps is in a two- to six-year growth (anagen) stage at any given time. The other 10 percent is in a two- to three-month resting (telogen) phase, after which time it is shed. Most people shed 50 to 150 hairs a day. Once a hair is shed, the growth stage begins again as a new hair from the same follicle replaces the shed hair. New hair grows at a rate of approximately one-half inch each month.
Hair loss may lead to baldness when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth, when new hair is thinner than the hair shed or when hair comes out in patches.
What causes androgen tic alopecia?
Androgenetic alopecia is caused by heredity. Although it’s most common among men, it can also affect women. A history of androgenetic alopecia on either side of your family increases your risk of balding. Heredity also affects the age at which you begin to lose hair and the developmental speed, pattern and extent of your baldness.
What causes alopecia aerates
Alopecia aerates is classified as an autoimmune disease, but the cause is unknown. People who develop this type of baldness are generally in good health. Some scientists believe that some people are genetically predisposed to develop alopecia aerate and that a trigger, such as a virus or something else in the environment, sets off the condition. A family history of alopecia aerate makes you more likely to develop it. With alopecia aerate, your hair generally grows back, but you may lose and regrow your hair a number of times.
Other causes of temporary hair loss include:
Disease, Diabetes, lupus and thyroid disorders can cause hair loss.
Poor nutrition, Having inadequate protein or iron in your diet or poor nourishment in other ways can cause you to experience hair loss. Fad diets, crash diets and certain illnesses, such as eating disorders, can cause poor nutrition.
Medications, Certain drugs used to treat gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems and high blood pressure may cause hair loss in some people. Taking birth control pills also may result in hair loss for some women. Medical treatments, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may cause you to develop alopecia. After your treatment ends, your hair typically begins to regrow.

After recent high fever, severe flu or surgery you may notice you have less hair three to four months after events such as an illness or surgery. These conditions because hair to shift rapidly into a resting phase (telogen effluvium), meaning you’ll see less new hair growth. A normal amount of hair typically will appear after the growth phase resumes.
Infancy, Newborns often lose hair during the first several months of life. This baby hair (vellums) is eventually replaced by more permanent hair. It’s also common for babies to lose a patch of hair on the back of their heads from rubbing against mattresses, playpens and car seats. Hair will grow back once a baby begins to spend more time sitting up.
Childbirth, some women experience an increase in hair loss several months after delivering a baby. This is because during pregnancy the hair is shifted into an active growth state that then goes back to baseline soon after delivery. This increased hair loss usually corrects itself.

Hair treatments, Chemicals used in dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners or perms can cause hair to become damaged and break off if they are overused or used incorrectly. Excessive hairstyling or hairstyles that pull your hair too tightly also can cause some hair loss. This is known as traction alopecia.

Scalp infection. Infections such as ringworm can invade the hair and skin of your scalp, leading to hair loss. Once infections are treated, hair generally regrows. Ringworm, a fungal infection, can usually be treated with a topical or oral antifungal medication.

Thank you so much for the hair treatment. Which I have renamed miracle grow. I bought the treatment from Annie and I never used it till a certain Friday morning when I noticed my hair line remained without hair despite all the growth hair products I have used. Then I decided to used Beaute De Femme two times a day because the other products  I have used two times a day and been ineffective. I started on a Friday morning. On a Sunday morning as I was getting up I was able to pull my new hair backwards in a ponytail; with my new hair line showing. I have always tried to cover it up therefore my regular style is styled with my hair pulled towards my face. I am impressed with this product and effectiveness, that I can never use another product again. Thank you love, Joy

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